Bet On 2023: Winning Control Over Your Habits

It’s your lucky year, and we’re not talking about at the casino. If you’re here, you or someone you love wants to reign in their problem gambling and maybe just doesn’t know where to start. It’s not a small goal—if you’ve seen the struggle, you know it can be all-consuming.

While we don’t usually suggest saving these goals for a New Year’s resolution, it is that time of year and can definitely be a symbolic fresh slate. If you’re looking to make it a sustainable lifestyle change, we have some actionable ways to start.

1. Build a Circle of Trust - Few fight addiction alone. Your likelihood of long-term success will be much higher if you inform trusted friends and confidants of your struggle. It’s a good first step to build more accountability into your life.

2. Know Your Triggers - If certain settings, people or moods give you the urge to gamble, being aware of those (and making your trusted circle aware) can help you avoid them.

3. Make Lifestyle Changes - This sounds vague, but it’s largely to do with your social circles that revolve around gambling. Inform them to leave you off the invite for card night or the casino. There are many nuances to your relationships, but if you keep other gamblers in your life, you may ask that they not gamble around you.

4. Find New Passions - A major trigger for addicts of all kinds is often boredom. Think of it as an opportunity to make time for you—to develop a skill, learn something new or forge personal friendships outside of gambling.

5. Manage Stress - Another huge trigger for problem gamblers is stress. It’s endemic in our society and hard to avoid for anyone, but whatever is making you constantly worried and anxious might not be worth it. If it’s a relationship or a job, you might consider re-prioritizing to reduce your stress.

6. Talk to Someone - Feel like a cop out? We promise, it really isn’t. Finding a therapist or support group can make you feel much less alone in the struggle and has been shown to increase recovery success rates.

There is no one route to recovery, but it’s a journey that’s worth undertaking. We hope these steps will help you take control of your habits for a prosperous and happy new year. (And many more to come.)


Courtney Counts

Courtney, aka ‘Telly Girl’. She writes stuff.


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